Bonus listener mail call: Nintendo menu music

This month's Retronauts Radio will be a little different than the past two episodes, as new-old music releases this month have been a bit thin. Instead of covering a bunch of new LPs and fan remixes, we'll be tackling a topic inspired by a few recent episodes — our Wii retrospective, and the Game Boy "Nintendo Power" flash cart episode Gintendo.

What these two things have in common, as do quite a number of other things*, is the fact that they feature completely fantastic incidental music as accompaniment to their system menus. Bob and I will be digging through the Nintendo archives to highlight and discuss the best of these old tunes this weekend. As usual, I'd like to include your thoughts on the topic, time allowing! So please drop me a line at jparish [at] before Sunday. What's your favorite Nintendo system or menu tune? Who's your favorite composer when it comes to such things? We want to know!

*Things that aren't Switch.