Retronauts Special #1: Live from Seattle Retro Gaming Expo

Hola amigos, it's your ol' pal Jeremy with another episode of Retronauts. But this week's a little different. We're taking a break from our regularly scheduled episodes to share the audio from our Seattle Retro Gaming Expo panel from a month ago.

Retronauts SRGE

Don't worry, this doesn't count as one of the 52 episodes we committed to with our Kickstarter -- this is a bonus. Regular service resumes next week with an Atari retrospective! But since a lot of people wanted us to make this panel available, well, here you go.

Given the more comparatively chill climate of SGRE compared to the panels we're accustomed to hosting (PAX, namely, where people line up for an hour or more to guarantee seating), we took a similarly light tone for this presentation and made it all about personal anecdotes. Specifically, we talked about our summer gaming memories. Thrill as we debate the merits of Legend of Mana! Gasp as the name EarthBound is invoked multiple times! Wonder as local Seattle references are dropped! Reel in amazement at Jeremy's tearful confession that when it came to video game rentals, he was "kind of a dick"!

And, of course, once we're done, panel attendees take the mic to share their own memories. Now, you may say, "What do personal video game anecdotes have to do with Retronauts?" But honestly, this is probably Retronauts in its purest form. It's always about our stupid nostalgia, baby. This time we just dropped the pretense of academic objectivity.

Anyway, enjoy. And if you find it unbearable, don't worry. Like I said, we'll be back to feigning objectivity next week. And an old friend will make his triumphant return to the show. Huzzah!

P.S., all the music in this episode comes from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Because it was name-dropped, and I will take any excuse to exploit Symphony's soundtrack.

P.P.S., we're having a little trouble with SoundCloud right now, but that version will be up as soon as we sort that out.

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