Retronauts Pocket Episode 27: Games of Game Center CX

Time for another one of those rare Retronauts Pocket episodes that directly follow from the last full episode! We're still talking about Game Center CX this week!

...Ssssort of. Rather than talk about the show itself, I had each of us (me, Bob, Jeremy, and returning guest Justin Haywald) pick one of the games featured on the show and talk about them. Of course, if you listened last week, you know that the host Arino is not always put in the best situations, and struggles through some pretty torturous games. And as it turned out, we all picked some of the more torturous Famicom games he's played: The Mystery of Atlantis, The Wing of Madoola, Layla, and the one that started it all, Takeshi's Challenge. Some of those names may be familiar to you, some not, but either way, they're very interesting examples of Japanese gaming from a very certain period, and they're all great episodes of GCCX, to boot.

Also, we reveal our plans for the next phase of Retronauts after this run -- yes, you'll be hearing from us again! But nothing is set in stone yet, so as always, keep an eye on this site, our Twitter, and Facebook for the official word.

On behalf of Bob and Jeremy, thanks again for helping us do this again.

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