Daaaarliiiing, it's Retronauts Episode 22

Actually, despite the art and blog post title, this episode really has nothing to do with Lum or Urusei Yatsura. It's just that we got sidetracked by a tangent about anime of the '70s, '80s, and '90s, and lacking any particular cohesive theme for this episode I decided to use that brief distraction as an excuse to draw Lum. I believe this makes for a "deal with it" kind of situation. So sorry.

retronauts 22 cover

This episode's theme ended up being... well, let's just say we played fast and loose. Kickstarter backer Jonathan Anderson wanted us to talk about misplaced nostalgia or nostalgia for things we never experienced, and we did our best to fulfill this mandate. I'm not promising we succeeded, but by god we gave it a shot.

Also of note: Long-time Retronauts contributor Chris Kohler finally makes his Vol. III debut. Huzzah!

This episode's soundtrack selections come from Final Fantasy V, which we discussed somewhat at length near the beginning of the show. And my apologies if the sound quality isn't perfect this week; I edited and assembled this podcast on a cross-country plane flight, so I can't tell if the incessant whining sound was the plane engines or something in the podcast itself.

Anyway, please enjoy. Especially you, Jonathan Anderson.

Listen and download, fleshy mortals:

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Finally, please consider leaving us a nice review on iTunes Store, because it's an easier (and less creepy) way to express your enthusiasm for Retronauts than hunting us down and hugging us.