Retronauts Special #3 – Live From TooManyGames 2014

As promised, we went on our east coast journey for this volume of Retronauts, and we've come back with this recording of our panel at TooManyGames 2014, titled The Life and Times of the 3DO.

Retronauts never covered 3DO (the company nor the platform) in earnest, and for us and many other game nerds, it's been the butt of a joke. However, the system was not exactly DOA, despite some obvious stumbles out of the gate. And after doing a bunch of work writing about Warp, who started on 3DO, I thought it would make a good, fun episode that could, in fact, fit in a 60-minute convention panel.

I took a less casual approach with the panel than we have in the past, with an A-to-Z presentation that hits some key historical facts about the 3DO, from Trip Hawkins' attempt to shake up the industry, and onward to a selection of 3DO games worth talking about. (There's nearly nothing mentioned in the talk that requires you see it -- and if so, there's the video links below -- but for the sake of completion, I've uploaded a hastily-exported PDF of the slides).

Though TooManyGames' panel rooms were small compared to other venues we've been, the place was nearly full and everyone seemed to have a good time. Thanks to everyone who came, and suggested TMG to us in the first place. As for the rest of you, enjoy the show!

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Videos used and referenced in the show: