YouTube Round-up | The PS2 is officially retro

Binging on YouTube is cool.

It's Friday, and you know what that means -- it's time for another look at the best YouTube videos from the past seven days! As usual, there's plenty of good stuff kicking around that you may have missed, and you can certainly get a good start to your weekend by watching them. Or, if you prefer, to the coming week ahead -- I don't mind, I'm not going to tell you what to do. Anyway, let's see what we've got!

  • The top recommendation this week is a new video from My Life In Gaming, a cracking pair of lads. In accordance with the shifting times in the world of retro, they've released an hour-long video detailing how to get the absolute best picture quality from your PlayStation 2.
  • If you're a fan of the Nintendo 64, then you probably need to watch Glenn Plant -- a man who has dedicated himself to reviewing...well, basically every N64 game that there is. This week he's covering Excitebike 64.
  • MsMadLemon is a fantastic up and coming channel that's largely based around the Amiga, with other computers and tech such as personal stereos thrown in -- it's definitely worth checking out. She's completed a multi-part series on modding an Atari 2600 which is most certainly worth a watch. Make a start with Part 1 here.
  • After last week's Super Mario Odyssey-based fun, Mark Brown is back with another episode of Boss Keys which is a bit more retro -- he's looking at the dungeon design of Zelda I and II in preparation for covering Breath of the Wild.
  • Once again, LGR has shown off his unparalleled knack for tapping into late '90s computer nostalgia by recreating the experience of upgrading from a CD-ROM to a new-fangled (circa 1997) DVD-ROM drive.

  • The Last Gamer is certainly a man who's achieved something -- that being the world's largest video game collection. Verified by the Guinness Book of Records. He's also a highly affable Ozzie who makes great stuff, such as his recent tour around his Playroom. (Caution: may contain Sega being pronounced "See-ga")
  • One of the best channels that's been missing from these round-ups so far is, of course, the almighty Nostalgia Nerd. That gets rectified this week as he posts a video on Sensible Golf, generally regarded as the black sheep of Sensible Software's otherwise impeccable oeuvre.
  • Sometimes you need to post a review that's not about games, but is quite simply that damn good. When it comes to a man like TheReportOfTheWeek, otherwise known as "Running on Empty" or "Reviewbrah", this usually happens every week. Today he gives us the rundown on the new Cheddar and Apple Butter Turkey Slider from White Castle.
  • The recent debacle of the Sinclair Vega+ is something that's surely destined for a long article at some point...or perhaps even a long video. ChinnyVision has something for those who backed the project and are currently disappointed -- a two-part look at a plausible alternative for handheld Speccy goodness. The first part is here, and the second was released today.
  • You probably already know Unseen64 as a fantastic resource for games that were, for whatever reason, never released -- but you may not know that they also have a YouTube channel. This week they and Colton West gave us a look at Dark Aura, an unreleased Survival Horror title for the DS.
  • Finally, I'm going to break out of the usual third person to say that if I had the choice of watching only one person's YouTube videos for the rest of my days...that man would be Jon Bois, who can make anything, including and especially U.S. Sport, the most interesting thing in the world. This week he released a statistical analysis on why the kick off in American Football is terrible, and as usual it's unmissable.

And there you have it! Eleven essential videos, selected for your viewing pleasure. Hopefully you enjoy them, and stay locked here on Retronauts for another look at what's hot, what's hotter and what's hottest over the next seven days of ineoxrable progress through this thing called life. Ta-ra for now.